My hajj journey (2) - Minaret/ مینار

An attempt to understand Islam and its directions.

Daily Hadees


Saturday, August 6, 2016

My hajj journey (2)

Here is some useful information that I have gathered from a Hajj seminar that I have recently attended.

·        Journey of Lifetime:Hajj is not a vacation, rather it is a journey of soul and body towards a better self . Eventually whatever hardships you face, should bring you closer to Almighty Allah.
·        Observance of Patience :Be ready for long hours (up to 10 hours) of waiting at Saudia Arabia airports. Being a hajje,you need to show patience and good manners all the times.
·        Significance of Safa and Marwa:While walking between Safa and Marwa, you will travel 3.15km between two mountains and seven such trips  will be made. Adam descended on As-Safa and Eve on Al-Marwa (names of two mountains in the vicinity of Kaaba in Mecca. Part of the rites of pilgrimage (hajj) includes pacing between these two hills (Saee)in commemoration of Hajar's search for water).There is a green lighted area between two hills where she ran and today men are required to rush through this area during hajj or umrah .
·        Entrance to Mecca: Before entering Mecca, you must be in Ihram.  Some do this at Masjid Ash-Sharjara (The mosque of tree).  It will be more convenient (and time saving) to put on the Ihram before leaving Mna. Prophet Muhammad showed miracle of walking tree here. A tree walked towards him to salute him.Masjid Shajarah (Masjid of the Tree) is located near Masjid Jinn, about one km from Khana Ka'aba.
·        Rami :During the days of Hajj, be ready to walk 3km from Mina to Jamarat for stone pelting at shaitan(s)devils) .Also after finishing Rami you have to walk back to your camp in Mina by covering 3km again. It is advisable to practice walking of 2-3 km  every day one month before Hajj .
·        Shopping: You might want to bring back gifts for your dear ones after you return home. Shopping in Medina is cheaper as compared to Mecca.

I hope this information is helpful for someone out there. If you have some interesting information, then please share in the comments below. Thanks.

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