My hajj journey (1) - Minaret/ مینار

An attempt to understand Islam and its directions.

Daily Hadees


Thursday, July 28, 2016

My hajj journey (1)

As days are coming closer for Hajj time ,excitement and apprehension are taking over my mind and soul. I have prepared a coloured flow chart for all the steps involved in Hajj -e -Tamattu (highly recommended one). Still have not got back my documents from Hajj operator. This kind of worries me. Anyway let us see what happens this weekend? I am going to attend hajj seminar . In the meantime I am still working on this flow chart that has three main colours : red is for obligatory (fard) parts , blue is for wajib arkans and green is for sunnah parts . I will be posting about hajj seminar after weekend.

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