Ramadan in a Glance - Minaret/ مینار

An attempt to understand Islam and its directions.

Daily Hadees


Saturday, May 21, 2016

Ramadan in a Glance

 Ramadan is the Muslim holy month marked by daily fasting (no food and no water) from dawn to sunset, increased religious observance, and self-reflection. Fasting is intended to educate the Muslim in spirituality, humility, and patience. It is a time to cleanse the soul, focus attention on Allah Almighty, and put into practice selflessness. Following list provides an overview of the significance of the holy month of Ramadan.

De -clutter your mind from negative thoughts.
Make amends in relations with other people.
Free your soul from the lust of worldly affairs.
Planning for 30 days of Ramadan should include: reading Quran, offering special prayers, Iftar (evening meals) get together events.
 This is the month of Allah Almighty and he is going to provide ajar(reward) himself.
Gates of paradise are opened and gates of hell are closed.
Angels pray for the person who is fasting.
Paradise has eight gates and those people who fast steadfastly enter through a special door called riyan
First, ten days are of Allah’s mercy for all people.
The middle part of this month provides forgiveness from sins.
Prayers and fasting in last part protect one from hell fire.
Lailultul Qadr: It is the Night of Power when the Qur'an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The blessed Laylatul Qadr can be found in any of the last 10 nights of Ramadan, which are the most blessed nights of the year.
During last ten nights, Muslims may go into seclusion in the mosque to seek more closeness to Allah.
Umrah (short Hajj) during Ramadan is equivalent to Hajj(pilgrimage to Makkah).
The inclination of doing good deeds develops.
During Ramadan, Muslims strive to pray more sincerely. Special Nightly (Taraweeh) prayers are offered.
Discipline has to be observed in every walk of life during this month.
Make sure to eat fiber and yogurt in the morning. Yogurt helps to digest food and it is a good source of nutrients.
Avoid junk food as they do not provide proper nutrients.
Keep your body hydrated by drinking lot of juices and soups.
Avoid fried and sugary food as they are not easy to digest
Make sure you eat enough proteins e.g eggs, meat and beans. Proteins delay hunger pans.
Decrease intake of caffeine –based drinks because they are diuretic and stimulate loss of water from the body.
Do not break your fast with a feast or you may end up putting on weight.
By practicing self-restraint you propagate a good society.
Muslims start to pay Zakat (obligatory annual religious payment for poor)and charity even before the start of Ramadan.
Quality family time increases due to special morning and evening family meals.
Eid marks the end of Ramadan. Muslims come together to celebrate this happy day. Sweets and gifts are exchanged.
Health benefits
The tranquility of mind and soul can be attained as you give yourself a break from the everyday rush of life.
Blood insulin levels drop and body start using reserved fats.
Fasting can be used to fight against addictions.
The body gets detoxified by taking a break from food for long hours.


  1. May all those participation in Ramadhan this year have a successful fast. This fast is strictly for the obedience of The Lord-Creator of the Heavens and Earth. All those who truly love their Creator (among Jews, Christians, Hindus etc.) should fast during Ramadhan.

    1. Thank you Laurence Chiniquy for your lovely comment. I agree that fasting is done for the Obedience of Almighty.We can observe better human beings by observing fasts.
