Third Day of Hajj ! - Minaret/ مینار

An attempt to understand Islam and its directions.

Daily Hadees


Saturday, February 20, 2016

Third Day of Hajj !

Hajj: 10th of zil hajj is a very busy day .Pilgrims must pray salaat al Fajr in Muzdalifah (with the exception of the weak and women who may leave early if necessary).
*After salaat al Fajr and the prescribed athkaar (words of remembrance), face the qiblah, praise Allaah, magnify Him, glorify Him and supplicate to Him until it starts getting bright (but before sunrise).
*Proceed towards Minaa before the sun rises, repeating the talbiyah and going calmly.
*If possible, speed up through Wadi Muhassir (a valley between Muzdalifah and Mina)
*Gather seven pebbles from anywhere on the way to Minaa or even from Minaa and continue repeating the talbiyah and takbeer.
**Pelt the large pillar (jamarah) with seven pebbles (one after the other) saying the takbeer each time and stop saying the talbiyah once you have completed this pelting.
**Offer your sacrifice (hady) and eat from it if possible and distribute its meat to the poor and needy. The sacrifice is compulsory for those performing Tamattu’ and Qiraan. At the time of slaughtering one says: (Bismillaah wallaahu Akbar. Allaahumma haathaa minka wa lak. Allaahumma taqabbal minnee: In the name of Allaah, and Allaah is Great. O Allaah, this is from You and for You. O Allaah, accept from me.)
**Shave or trim your hair (from all over), but remember that shaving the head is better. Start on the right side. Note that women only shorten the hair (about an inch or so). With this, one is partially out of ihraam and thus allowed to wear their regular clothing, use perfume and do the other things not allowed in the state of ihraam with the exception of intimacy. This is not allowed until after tawaaf al ifaadhah and sa’y between as-Safaa and al-Marwah (if you still need to do it). If one has intercourse after pelting the large pillar, the Hajj is valid but they have to pay a penalty (slaughter animal to compensate).
***Proceed to Makkah and perform tawaaf al Ifaadhah (without running in the first three rounds or uncovering the right shoulder) and pray two raka’ah.
***Next, go and walk between as-Safaa and al-Marwah (this is necessary for the one doing tamattu’, and the ones doing Qiraan and Ifraad if they did not do this with the initial tawaaf-al Qudoom). With this, you are no longer in ihraam.
*If you do not follow the sequence as above, there is no blame or harm.
*Drink from the water of Zamzam and pray Thuhr in Makkah if possible.
*You need to remain in Mina for the night.
Me:  As I am learning about arkans of Hajj , I am trying to become a better person as well . It is the hard part to correct your mistakes  on daily basis.

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