The Glorious Quran - Minaret/ مینار

An attempt to understand Islam and its directions.

Daily Hadees


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Glorious Quran

Quran is the main source of guidance for the whole mankind and its message is for all times. It is the only revealed book, which has retained its originality and pristine purity and contains the verbatim record of the words of Allah (SWT), as revealed to Muhammad (SAWS) by Arch-Angel Gabriel (Jibrael)
Allah vows to preserve and safeguard Quran in Chapter 15 of Quran:
v Surah Al Hajar verse 15:9: Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its guardian.
Brief History
500000 years before creation of this universe Quran was recorded in‘the Preserved Scripturum’ (Loh-e-Mehfooz).  The Quran was revealed in Arabic to the Prophet Mohammad( May peace be upon him) in 610 CE over 22 years. In the first twelve years of the revelation, the Prophet was living in Mecca. Persecution then forced him to leave to Al-Madina, in what is known as the Hijra (immigration), where he lived the last ten years. Companions of Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him) recorded Quran for this world by writing on parchments, animal shoulder blades and date palm trees. In the last year of his life Prophet Muahmmad May Peace be upon him revised the whole Quran two times with Jabreel. Compilation of Quran took place in the caliphate of Abu Bakar. Multiple copies of Mushaf were sent to different places .This book has numerous copies, and it is safe in the hearts of numerous Muslims.
The Quran is composed of 114 parts or chapters  of unequal length. Each chapter is called surah in Arabic  and each sentence of phrase of Quran is called aaya, literally a sign .The 114 chapters of the Holy Quran are not listed in the chronological order of their revelation. This special order, however, was inspired to the Prophet by Allah, so it is a genuine quality of the Qur’an . Each chapter is described as either Meccan or Madinite, depending on whether the majority of its verses were revealed before or after the Hijra. Renowned scholars believe that they are seven groups of chapters of Quran and some surahs seem to be pairs on the basic topics discussed. Each group starts with makki surah and ends in madni surah.
Main Topics  
The Quran’s teachings are not for one particular nation but for a global community. it is a Book emphasizing on the social and moral conduct of man Hence, the main theme that runs throughout the Quran is that God alone deserves worship and, thus, man should submit to God's laws in his personal life and in his relationships with creation in general.
Some of the important  topics discussed in Quran are:
  • Oneness of God
  • The absolute authority of God
  • The accountability of humans for their deeds
  • Other topics include creation, criminal and civil law, Judaism, Christianity, polytheism, social values, history, stories of past prophets and science
Each theme is expressed in a forceful way using parables, examples, references to past people or prophets, and logic.
Fully one third of the verses of the Quran relate to issues concerning the next life and what people will find after death. Another third of the verses deal with prophets, interfaith issues, and the human experience, while the final third cover subjects ranging from law to personal and social obligations. All of these different themes appear at different places throughout the whole scripture.

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