What is Tawaf?
Tawaf is the seven times circumambulation of Khana Kaaba in a counterclockwise direction. After finishing Tawaf ,two rakat salah nafal has to be prayed ( possibly at maqame Ibrahim).It is integral part of Hajj and Umrah.
How is Tawaf performed?
- Ablution (vudu) is essential for tawaf. Reciting of Talbiayah is stopped when you reach black stone ( hajar -e- aswad), the starting point of tawaf
- Make Niyyah for tawaf without raising your hands.
- Move counterclockwise around Kabbah .
- Each circuit is completed when you return to black stone and perform Istilam(kissing , touch or pointing to the Stone).
- On completing of seven circuits , continue to move counter -clockwise until you reach your point of exit.
- Tawaf al-Qudum: (also called tawaf al- tahiyyah)It is performed by those coming from outside of Makkah for any reason, whether for Umrah , Hajj , business or just for a visit. This tawaf is sunnah for those living outside the boundaries of Meeqat. It is similar to two rakkat of salat performed as tahiyyat -al masjid (greeting of the mosque) . It is sunnah for those people who intend to perform Hajj e Ifrad or Hajj e Qiran.
- Tawaf al-Ifada:(also called Tawaf al-ziyyarh)This tawaf is obligatory(fard). It can be performed from morning of 10th Zil-hajj to the sunset of 12th Zil-hajj . After performing this tawaf pilgrim releases him or herself from Ihram.
- Tawaf al-Widaa: It is bidding farewell to Makkah . This is wajib (for all types of Hajj.Tawaf al Wida is not a requirement for Umrah .Idealy it should be performed right befoe on departs from Makkah . Missing this tawaf mandates dam.No sai needs to be performed after this tawaf.
- Tawaf al-Nafl: It is devotional tawaf that can be performed any time.
- Tawaf al-Umrah:This tawaf is an obligatory part of Umrah
Three types of Hajj !
- Hajj e Ifrad = Tawaf e ziyyarat + Tawaf e Wida
- Hajj e Qiran= Tawaf e Umrah + Tawaf e ziyyarat+Tawaf e Wida
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