Minaret/ مینار

Minaret/ مینار

An attempt to understand Islam and its directions.

Daily Hadees



Sunday, September 4, 2016

To be told later!

10:36 AM 0
To be told later!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Four Pillars of Hajj !

8:19 AM 0
Four Pillars of Hajj !
There are four rituals of Hajj that are called pillars because these have to be performed and your Hajj will not be valid without these. There can be no compensation or Kaffarah that you can act upon to make your Hajj accepted.These are :
1 . State of Ihram: It means that you have to get ready to perform hajj and this involves dress, intention and abstaining from certain acts.
2. Standing at Arafat:  Arafat is a plain about 20 km (12 mi) southeast of Mecca. Mount Arafat reaches about 70 m (230 ft) in height and is also known as the Mount of Mercy (Jabal ar-Rahmah). Muslims should pray in Arafat from noon of 9th zilhajj to dawn of 10th zilhajj.
3. Tawaf -ul Ifaadah (also called Tawaf al-ziyyarh).  It can be performed from morning of  10th Zil-hajj to the sunset of  12th  Zil-hajj . After performing this tawaf pilgrim releases him or herself from Ihram.or Tawaf as ziyarah:
4. Sayee between Safa and Marwa:This is the Sa‘y of Hajj, and its time for the one who makes Tamattu‘ Hajj begins immediately after standing at ‘Arafah and Muzdalifah and performing Tawaaf Al-Ifaadhah. As for the one who makes Qiraan Hajj or Ifraad Hajj, it is permissible for him to perform Sa‘y after performing the Arrival Tawaaf.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

My Hajj journey (3)

11:17 PM 0
My Hajj journey (3)
It has been hectic to gather all things for hajj journey. I am almost done and ready to fly at the end of August to embark upon this endeavour of love. Here the things that I have packed:
Documents: Hajj visa, vaccination card , air ticket, and name tag
Clothes: 7-6 pair of cotton clothes , undergarments , socks ,ihram
Toiletries: unscented soap bars, toothpaste, toothbrush, miswak , hand wipes , floss , shampoo, hand and body lotion 
Shoes: comfortable running shoes, flip flops and comfortable scandals
Miscellaneous items: water spray bottle, sleeping bag, travel pillow , food snacks, water bottle, unlocked phone , iPad,  voltage convertor, spectacles , sunglasses, umbrella
Medicines: anti-inflammatory , anti-allergy, cough syrup, immodium, gravol , bandaid 
Hope this helps out someone with the last minute packing. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

How to stay safe and healthy during Hajj?

10:27 PM 0
How to stay safe and healthy during Hajj?
Here are some precautions that we can take to make our Hajj journey easier in terms of safety and health issues
Pre Hajj Preparation
·        PREPARE yourself mentally for alot of frustration, mental anguish, annoyance and anger, To obtain a Hajj Mabrur (one that is accepted and forgives all your sins)you must not let these things interfere with your goal. 
·        PREPARE yourself physically for a lot of walking and physical exercise. You may be walking back and forth from your hotel to the Haram at least 10 times a day, not to mention logging Tawafs and Sai'ys that come out to miles in the end. 
 Protection Against Heat Exhaustion and Sun Strokes:
  • Drink enough liquids (water, juices, etc.) regularly.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun for long, and use an umbrella when necessary. Light colored umbrellas are recommended.
  • Avoid making excessive effort, and keep to take sufficient sleep after performing each of the Hajj rituals, so as to restore your energy.
  • Loose, light colored cloths are recommended. Don't use heavy cloths.
·        Go out during evenings and nights if possible.
Protecting yourself from infectious ailments
  • Maintaining personal hygiene, bathing regularly, and washing hands well by using water and soap, or other disinfectants used for handwashing, especially after coughing and sneezing.
  • Using handkerchiefs when coughing or sneezing by covering the nose and mouth, and then eliminating them in the trash. In case there are no handkerchiefs at hand, use the upper arms rather than hands.
  • Using a face-mask, especially in crowded places, and changing it every now and then.
  • Paying close attention to the oral and dental cleanliness.
  • Eliminating wastes in the trash.
  • Changing clothes with new ones every now and then.
  • Remember that using your own shavers, and not sharing others with theirs, is the best way to protect yourself against the infection of hepatitis (B) and (C), and maybe AIDS.
  • Choose a suitable barber, and never go to street barbers.

Protection Against Food Poisoning
  • Wash fruits and vegetables well before eating.
  • Verify of the expiry date when buying canned foods and drinks.
  • Keep away from the uncovered food, since it is exposed to insects and pollution.
  • Wash your hands well before and after preparing food.
  • Wash your hands well before and after eating.
  • Cooked food should be eaten immediately after cooking, and, when need be, it could be kept in the fridge.

Tips for Patients with Chronic Diseases:

  • Consult your doctor before setting out for Hajj, to assess your health situation.
  • Take with you sufficient medications, and keep them properly.
  • Take medicines on time.
  • Adhere to the doctor's instructions, such as following a certain diet.
  • Put on the wrist strap (or the information card), which shows your name, age, disease, the kind of treatment, address and contact information.
  • You'd better tell your fellow pilgrims about your disease and proper medications, so that they can help you when necessity be.
  • Avoid making too much effort, and use the Hajj legal concessions (like assigning someone to do the stoning ritual on your behalf), when the conditions of such concessions are true.
  • Head for the nearest health center when necessity be.
  • For more information on chronic diseases, check out the chronic diseases section in the Main Menu.
Avoidance of crowd crush:
·        Adhere to the schedules designated for you by the Minisitry of Religious Affairs Saudia.
·        Adhere to the lanes designated for proceeding to the Jamaraat and returning from Jamaarat.
·        Avoid pushing your fellow pilgrims and proceed quietly and calmly.
·        Do not carry personal effects.
·        Do not walk against the direction of the traffic.This advice is important to follow, as several of the incidents of stampede have occurred due to people trying to exit from the wrong lanes.
Everyone should make a due effort to observe safety precautions for the sake of precious lives during hajj.